Shop 'Till You Drop at South End Pop-Ups
Small businesses make South End shine, and the entrepreneurial spirit in the neighborhood is thriving.
South End's pop-up events are full of retail magic, as local small businesses offering everything from homemade hot sauce to fine leather goods to thoughtfully written children's books can share their unique products with the neighborhood, all alongside some of the city's most beloved retailers. Add in live music, food trucks, Instagrammable moments, and some super cute four legged friends, and you'll want to stay all day.
learn about vending opportunities at south end's pop-up events

Front Porch Sundays
Front Porch Sundays bring a whole new meaning to Sunday Funday. Shop from over 70 local vendors offering everything from dog toys to handmade jewelry to fresh spices, grab food from surrounding restaurants and food trucks, and listen to live music all along the Rail Trail at Atherton Mill.
learn more about front porch sundays

Nebel's Alley Night Market
As the sun sets on the work week, enjoy a sophisticated evening of open-air shopping, tasting, and entertainment at Nebel's Alley Night Market. There is magic around every corner as 32 local vendors gather under the iconic Design Center water tower.
learn more about nebel's alley night market

Bop Around the Block
Grab a plate, listen to live music, shop from local vendors, and do it all again the next month at Bop Around the Block, hosted by The Brown Sugar Collab and Five13 Studio at 131 Winona St (directly across from the Shops at the Winnifred).
Learn more about bop around the block

Camden Commons
South End's main street, Camden Road, transforms into an outdoor living room in the spring, where you can hang out, discover new food, play games, listen to music, and get creative as if you were in your own living room (you don't even have to change out of your sweatpants). 30+ local vendors also line the street so you can shop while you play.
Learn more about Camden Commons

South End Farmer's Market
The perfect South End Saturday always starts with the weekly Farmer's Market at Atherton Mill, where you can discover everything from the greenest produce, to humanely-raised poultry, to handmade pasta, and more. With live music on one end and a string of local farmers and creatives along the Rail Trail, the Saturday market boasts the vibrant energy that we all long for to kick off our weekend.
Learn more about camden commons

Shop Small Saturdays
Local vendors came out every Saturday during the holiday season to create a unique, open-air shopping experience at different locations throughout the neighborhood, including Atherton Mill, Shops at the Winnifred, and the Design Center. Stay tuned for details on Shop Small Saturdays during the 2022 holiday season!
Learn more about shop small saturdays
The shopping does not stop at pop-ups, see all of the retailers in the neighborhood.
There are plenty of ways to support local businesses without spending money. Learn how.